Web Design and UI Technologies Track.

Web Design and UI Technologies Track at Telerik Academy

Free web design lessons are suitable for beginners and experts with an interest to develop in the field of web design and web development.

Courses in web design and UI technology, you will be familiar in depth with modern technology to create a website, you can easily work with systems for content management, and search career as a website developer or web front -end developer.

What you will learn from the course Web Design and UI technologies?

Direction in web design and UI technology provides the necessary knowledge and skills to build their own Web sites with advanced technology HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript and XAML, and to implement sites in the most popular systems for managing web content: WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and Sitefinity.

Web design and UI technologies curriculum

Successfully completed some of the courses or the overall trend in Web design and UI technologies, you can specialize in one of these areas and to fight for your certificate:

Exams and certificates

At the end of each course to conduct examinations. Successful transition enables you to move forward and fight for the certificate. Successive transition of all training is not mandatory. You can plug in your selected courses, but if you have not passed all exams will not be able to qualify for the certificate.

Certificates will receive the best students from each of the disciplines. To be among the champions of Telerik Academy, it is necessary to transmit all placed within domestic, to successfully complete a series of exams and coursework protect.

Telerik Academy